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Working with J&J for over 14 years

Janssen is one of the worlds leading research based pharmaceutical organisations in the world and is part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies. Johnson & Johnson companies have approximately 126,500  employees working in more than 265 operating companies  located in 60 countries. Priority Management Training has been working with Janssen  and J&J Family of companies for over 14 years. 

We started with Gerry Collins Leadership teams in  Ireland, Holland, USA and Puerto Rico within the MTO  (Manufacturing and Technical Operations) division of  Janssen Supply Chain. Based on the success of these training  programmes we trained all the leadership and extended  management teams in all these sites. Amounting to over 800  managers and staff.  


A customised time and workload management training programme

The challenge presented by Gerry Collins and the Janssen  leadership team to Priority Management was to deliver  a customised time and workload management training  programme that would improve personal and team  productivity, help individuals, manager’s and staff focus on  priorities and become more proactive; and help people  manage high volumes of email. 

Additional Requirements included: 

  • Customised course curriculum to incorporate the J&J Ethos
  • Multiple delivery options across several countries. 
[nectar_single_testimonial testimonial_style=”small_modern” color=”Accent-Color” quote=”My platform leadership team and the site leadership teams all benefited from this personal investment in them to help them manage the email nightmare they all live in. It gave them tools to immediately manage this daily, hourly and minute by minute task which landed on us all as electronic systems were rolled out over the years with no guidance on how to work productively with such tools. By having the full team using the same approach it allows us to have the same priority categories etc and have everyone feel they have control over the email burden”. Almost all participants thanked me for arranging this course and deploying it globally. Productivity increases of >1 hour per day were reported by all.” name=”Gerry Collins” subtitle=”Global Platform Leader Large Molecules”]


Saving on average 51 mins per person per day

Working in close consultation with Janssen Senior Director of  Human Resources, Wijnand de Valk, Priority Management took the  WorkingSm@rt™ with MS Outlook programme and customised it  to incorporate specific Janssen goals and objectives.  

This was an instructor led training programme delivered by  an expert Priority Management facilitator, and run in Janssen  sites in Ireland, Holland, Belgium, USA and Puerto Rico.  

Programme graduates then all received an individual follow  up training session a week after their initial workshop to  reinforce the training done at the workshop, and to make  sure the processes and techniques were implemented back at  the desk by each and every course graduate. 

Each graduate also receives our monthly support LearningLink™  with short articles and techniques to continuously improve in  this area of personal productivity.  

Using this technique our training programme, FOLLOWED BY  INDIVIDUAL BACK UP TRAINING, we have achieved outstanding  results and the Return on the Training investment is over 1400%.  

We are saving on average 51 mins per person per day which is  equivalent to 30 days per person per year saved with reduced stress. 

WorkingSm@rt Results at Janssen Pharmaceuticals

Post course program evaluations conducted at least 90 days  after the completion of the class and the individual follow up  training sessions displayed the following results:

Average productivity gain experienced by programme graduates. (This equates to 30 extra days per person per year.)

72% improvement: average improvement in managing email and tech tools.


75% improvement: average improvement experiences in “Planning & Organising”


64% improvement: average improvement experienced in dealing with stress and reducing its effects.


54% improvement: average improvement in Balancing Work/Life Demands.


100% of attendees would recommend this training for others in the Organisation.


Get Started with Priority Management

For more information about Priority Management’s WorkingSm@rt Time and Workload Management training

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