Our courses

We understand how successful people work

Priority has been working with the world’s most successful companies and individuals for 40 years, allowing us to develop a deep understanding of what works.

Our programs benefit from our best practice business process, proven to deliver results, and simple enough to implement at every level of your organization. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of more time and reduced stress.

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Take control of your workload and competing priorities

Receive practical hands-on skills instruction to help you absorb proven techniques for a total time-management solution. Integrate communications, tasks, activities, planning and apply the WorkingSm@rt® method using Microsoft Outlook.

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Effective teamwork, collaboration and communication

At some point, every team feels a disconnect in collaboration and communication, but if it’s a lot of the time, then you and your team need a road map to improve the process and get better results.

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Make collaborating with your team as easy as 1-2-3

These days the secret to business success often lies in teams being able to work together without being together. With technology working for you, you and your team can find key project information in one place and collaborate in a way that’s flexible and effortless.

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A proven process that can be immediately understood and implemented by your whole team

Regardless of the diversity among people, locations, departments, or disciplines involved, this program provides a streamlined overview of the basics, while focusing on a vastly improved methodology to meet the rigorous challenges of developing a project execution plan.

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Get your meetings on time, on track, on purpose.

Learn not only how to plan, organize and run a successful meeting but also how to get the most out of the meetings you are required to attend. Immediate benefits are: a ‘business planning’ approach to meetings, increased meeting effectiveness, saving time, improved meeting outcomes.

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Manage the complexities of multiple projects more efficiently

Carry out multiple project execution plans developed through the Project Planning Breakthroughs method accurately and effectively with MS Project using common resource pools and external dependencies.

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Remote leadership essentials: keeping them engaged collaborative & productive

In this hybrid working model, many employees who normally work from an office are now working some of the time from home. This presents challenges to stay connected, engaged and productive.

These challenges are magnified for people leading remote teams since they can no longer rely on many of their proven face-to-face leadership techniques.

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Maximizing productivity in a remote working world

Our World is changing. Success in a remote working environment requires individuals to use a shared set of communication, collaboration and planning processes and tools that are far more refined and defined than in a non-virtual workspace.

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Data-Driven Solutions – Data-Informed Decisions

In today’s competitive market, the ability to organise and interpret data contributes to better business results. Our Microsoft Excel courses teach the skills, resources, and tools required to harness the power of this essential business software. Learn how to make spreadsheets, organise data, create charts and more with our full range of Excel training options.

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Have you ever wondered why you CLICK with some people and not with others?

Now you can discover why people behave the way they do, and how to build great relationships, improve communication skills, and identify your personal potential.

Our Click Colours workshops provide powerful insights into human behaviour that boost both individual and team performance. These interactive programs will give you tools and strategies that you can use the very next day and make great team-building sessions.

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Other Technical Training

We at Priority Management Training Ireland are delighted to provide our clients with the finest business skills training. Thanks to our strategic partnership with “Professional Training Solutions Limited”, we can deliver top-notch technical training for both beginners and experts.

Our other technical training programs are tailored to help you keep up with the dynamic business environment through state-of-the-art training and continuous support. With our training, you can rest assured that your business is current and efficient.

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